Grand Zuri

October 23, 2023 – October 27, 2023

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the upcoming workshop on the study of smart, sustainable, healthy, and diverse cities in modern-day Indonesia. The workshop aims to explore the future possibilities and challenges of metropolitan centers such as Jakarta, the newly built IKN Nusantara and other large and middle large urban hubs throughout the archipelago. Urbanization in Indonesia has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent decades, making it imperative to study its multifaceted impacts in times of big global challenges. Indonesia's urban centers are grappling with the adverse effects of climate change, including rising sea levels, pollution, and extreme weather events. Urbanization exacerbates these challenges by intensifying energy consumption, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions. As cities expand, social inequality intensifies, creating stark disparities in access to basic services, housing, education, and healthcare Indonesian cities serve as an interface where futures are made and unmade, with the rise of ever more sophisticated AI technologies, but also risking the loss of collective traditions and memories from which urban dwellers have long drawn their identities.

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