"Revitalizing the Spice Routes: Answering Global Challenges"
20-21 September 2022️
Virtual (online format)
Negeri Rempah Foundation in collaboration with the Research Center for Society and Culture, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) invites contributors to submit papers/articles.
Submit a 300 word abstract covering the research question posed, main argument, and methodology. Submissions must also include a title, author's name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a 150-word personal biography.
Abstract uploaded to:
For those whose abstracts are accepted, they are expected to send a full paper / full article between 5,000 - 7,000 words. Selected papers will later be included in the Proceeding of the International Forum on Spice Route published by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
The theme of IFSR 2022 is "Revitalizing the Spice Routes: Answering Global Challenges", which will include the following derivative themes:
1. Identity, Equality, and Globalization
2. Sustainable Development and Natural Diversity Along the Spice Routes
3. Culture for Creativity, Innovation, and Livelihood
4. Disaster Relief and Reconstruction
5. Fishers and Fisheries
6. Seafaring and Trading Routes
Upload your abstract to the link provided above no later than 07 August 2022.
For more information, please click or
contact:Widya Safitri +62 812 10294804
Uus Faizal +62 858 13472119
Gemala Putri +62 818 809768
Author Guidelines
Please read the below information carefully.
1. The conference submission is implementing 2 rounds of review required; first for abstract, second for full paper.
2. Submit a 300 word abstract covering the research question posed, main argument, and methodology. Submissions must also include a title, author's name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a 150-word personal biography
3. If your abstract accepted, you will ask to submit the Full Paper.
Submissions for this conference were closed on 2022-08-06.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.